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Welcome to HitchhikersAI

A non-profit impact community, accelerating the adoption of AI/ML and data in early drug discovery globally.

HitchhikersAI wants to fix the disconnect between AI/ML and data and their practical application in science by offering targeted non-profit consulting to biotech companies.

This involves helping them clearly define their research questions (killer questions) and designing customized project plans that integrate educational resources, computational tools, and curated data to effectively use AI/ML technologies in their research.

The HitchhikersAI community develops, deploys and uses fit-for-purpose enablement packages, with a collaboration-first ethos.  The community is growing and currently consists of 250+ bench scientists, data scientists, mathematicians, business owners, executives, academics etc. 

Join the community:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • What is this platform business concept? Check out this intro video (25 mins) and a more specific viewpoint video (2 mins).  Also, here is the Wikipedia page.

  • Do providers offer open source or proprietary tools?   Both, whatever works for the user and the providers, within each project.  The key is that no provider makes a profit on the project.

  • Who is part of the HitchhikersAI community?  Everybody across the life sciences ecosystem, who is interested in the vision & mission is part of the community.  In addition, there is a small handful of folks managing the platform itself.

  • What kind of operation are we?  HitchhikersAI is a non-profit platform business collaborating with the ecosystem.  This includes a business framework, managed workflows, and (yes) a simple IT platform.

  • What examples are there?  The community is early in its journey, with several activities currently live.  As a grass-roots community, we encourage teams to self-form and go after interesting & challenging problems. In parallel, we are talking to scientists (users) and data providers about their specific needs.

Thank you to our Sponsors & Collaborators


"The technology you use impresses no one. The experience you create with it is everything."


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